

“Piano voicing” typically refers to the adjustment or manipulation of the tonal characteristics of a piano’s sound. It involves altering the balance and quality of the instrument’s tones to achieve a desired sonic result. Voicing is done by making changes to the piano’s hammers, which are the felt-covered parts that strike the strings. Here are …

Customer Service, Maintenance

Know your piano

How often should i tune my piano? As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you tune your piano every 6 months for best output or at least once a year. However, the frequency of tuning can vary depending on a few factors such as the age of the piano, the climate and …

Customer Service


At Strings and Hammer we have a special way of caring and maintaining your piano for you. We serve all range of players and institutions through our membership programs. A customised plan is formed using a mix of statistics based on your piano, environment and use. An attempt to give the best value for service …